Below are some of the most common developmental disabilities:
Persons with Autistic spectrum disorders will exhibit unusual interests, language delays and poor social and communication skills along with low intellectual ability. Asperger Syndrome is a milder form of autism characterized by poor motor coordination and impairment in behavioral and social interactions.
Cerebral Palsy
Those with C.P. have low muscle movement and coordination. Other signs include pain in the joints and muscles, abnormal speech, intellectual disadvantage (for some), and seizures. The condition may occur before, during or just after birth due to extreme malnutrition, health trauma, brain injury, or infections such as meningitis.
Intellectual Disabilities
These are usually as a result of chromosomal and defects such as Rett syndrome, – common in girls – Fragile x Syndrome, and Down syndrome. Children have a hard time learning and communicating, and their general development is much slower compared to other kids of their age.
Spina Bifida
Spinda Bifida is caused by the inability of the spine to completely close during the first month of pregnancy. They are often paralyzed and require wheelchairs, have trouble swallowing and may be impaired in their learning.
This condition may be caused by traumatic brain injury at or before infancy and could be chronic or treatable. Persons with Epilepsy are faced with unpredictable, random convulsions, in which they breathe and shake violently, posing great danger to themselves if eating or operating a machine.
Capitol Care has a specially-structured treatment program that caters for each individual’s needs as diagnosed, and include special schooling and peer support programs to enhance trust and the support needed for recovery and social fulfillment; all this in a safe environment. Their ultimate mission is to promote self-determination and the well-being of these individuals to help them live to their full potential.