Government surveys show that every day 2,000 teens use prescription drugs without a doctor's consent. Prescription drug abuse among children has become shockingly more prevalent in the past few years. More importantly, many teens won't stop after their first time which can quickly lead to a dependence upon these drugs. While these teens have the ability to easily gain access to these drugs, few of them are aware of the dangerous risks they are taking.
Recreational prescription drug use is growing rapidly among teens, and the reasons why are numerous. Peer pressure is what leads most teens to try for the first time, but what happens next is more chemical than anything. Many teens find that these drugs have a pleasurable psychological effect on them, which makes teens want to use again in the future. As tolerance to a drug increases, the doses and methods of taking the drug can become more extreme and dangerous. Some alarming reports say teens are snorting and even taking the drugs intravenously. These are obvious signs of addiction, other warning signs can elude to a teen with a potential addiction.
The signals of drug abuse can be very blatant, but often times a perceptive person can notice the small signs before larger ones arrive. For example, large mood swings, being extremely hyper or sedate, sleeping too much or too little, and even stealing, forging, or selling the prescriptions can be red flags. These are some of the side affects related to using OxyContin, Vicodin, Xanax, Valium, and Adderall, which are some of the most commonly abused prescription drugs. Some teens have been known to "lose" their medications or even go so far as to request multiple prescriptions from different doctors in order to stay high. Identifying drug abuse as early as possible is important, and in some cases can save a life.
Getting help to someone suffering with addiction can be a tricky path to navigate. It is normal for the person to become angry and deny their use. He or she may say or do things that could be bad for their relationships with those that want to help, but it is necessary to stay understanding and patient. Always encourage your loved one to be open about his or her use and to accept the assistance that is being offered. This alone can build the necessary trust to begin treatment for such addictions.
Capitol Care specializes in substance abuse in New Jersey, but similar establishments are available all over the country. The aim of Capitol Care is to treat persons dealing with substance abuse with the professional guidance and dignity they deserve. Multiple sessions are available in order to provide the best possible resolution. Visit the Capitol Care website for more information on treatments and availability. If you have a loved one that is being troubled by drug addiction, seek help immediately. You may be saving someone's life.
While no parent wants to think that something is wrong with their child, autism is a real part of many lives. In some cases, a child may live with the condition for years before anyone provides the diagnosis of autism. One of the most difficult aspects of diagnosing autism is the range that the condition covers from very mild to quite severe. A NJ behavioral health service, such as Capitol Care, can help make a diagnosis based upon the recognition of symptoms of autism.
The state of a child's communication can be one of the first indicators that the child may suffer from autism. Children with autism often take longer to speak than their peers. When they do begin to talk, they often have difficulty using words correctly and understanding the words other speak to them. This includes their own name in some cases. A child with autism may have difficulty following instructions. It is difficult for the child to carry on a conversation with others.
Children diagnosed with autism often have difficulties in social situations. They are awkward around other children and may seem incapable of playing with the other children. Pretend play is something that an autistic child doesn't understand, making him stand out from his peers as they play around him. It is normal for some children to be shy and have difficulties joining in with their peers. The difference is that a child with autism doesn't warm up to the other children over time.
In addition to difficulty with verbal communication, children with autism also exhibit difficulties with small motor skills and other physical movements. A child who has autism isn't likely to point to objects. Many children develop this skill between 12 and 18 months. A child with autism won't. They also lack the ability to mimic those around him. Many young children copy the facial expressions and actions of those around them as a way of learning. A child with autism doesn't pay any or very little attention to what goes on around him.
A final sign to watch for among children diagnosed with autism is their obsession with repetition and familiarity. A child with autism has difficulty adjusting to changes in his daily routine or his surroundings. For instance, if his parents move the furniture around in the living room, he will likely be very distressed by this. The most well-known sign of autism is a child's obsession with order. Children who exhibit signs of autism often spend a lot of time arranging objects in a precise manner. If anyone disrupts the order, he becomes upset. The child is also likely to engage in a specific behavior that involves repetition.
If a child has been diagnosed with autism, a thorough evaluation at a NJ behavioral health facility can help a family find the right resources to help raise a child with autism and lead a happy, healthy life.